Can't project predicates of type '{0}' from the input predicate of type '{1}' as an exception occurred running the entity query with entities of type '{2}'.
Can't allocate %1!s! locks on startup, reverting to %2!s! and turning on dynamic lock allocation. Maximum allowed memory ...
Can't create a predicate linked to an entity because the function returned by the ConditionFactory property threw an exception. ...
Can't create an advisor linked to an entity because the function returned by the BenefitMeasureFactory property threw an ...
Can't project predicates of type '{0}' from the input predicate of type '{1}' as an exception occurred converting the template ...
Can't project predicates of type '{0}' from the input predicate of type '{1}' as an exception occurred running the entity ...
Can't select the predicate instance for predicate '{0}' as the PredicateRestrictions property contained a null restriction. ...
Canceling the activity will permanently delete all changes that were made since the Knowledge Base was last published. Are ...
Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' because it is referenced by plan guide '%4!s!'. Use sp_control_plan_guide to drop the plan guide ...
Cannot %1!s! %2!s! '%3!s!' on view '%4!s!' because it is a system generated view that was created for optimization purposes. ...