When you copy blobs across different geographic regions, the bandwidth is billable. Additionally, it takes longer to copy blobs across regions than to copy them within the same region.
When the RTMP ingest streaming protocol is selected, two ingest (input) endpoints are created for the channel: Primary URL ...
When using the token restricted policy, you must provide a list of verification keys. The Media Services key (or license) ...
When you activate a paid subscription, you'll see usage charges for RemoteApp on your bill. This will also revoke access ...
When you allow re-registration, the '{0}' server will be allowed to register again with the backup vault '{1}'. Allow re-registration ...
When you copy blobs across different geographic regions, the bandwidth is billable. Additionally, it takes longer to copy ...
When you create a Queue, you can also create shared access policies on the Queue Configure tab. Each shared access policy ...
When you create a queue, you can also create shared access policies on the Queue Configure tab. Shared access policies let ...
When you create a share, give full permission to one user or group. You can edit share properties in Windows Explorer to ...
When you create a Topic, you can also create shared access policies on the Topic Configure tab. Each shared access policy ...