A job step received an error while registering SQL Server snap - in {0}. Verify that the SQL Server snap - in was installed correctly. The PowerShell message is: {1}.
A grouping in the {0} {1}' has the name {3}'. Grouping names must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to {3} characters. ...
A high load-to-connection percentage indicates the server is loading a disproportionate number of workbooks relative to the ...
A job step received an error at line {0} in a PowerShell script. The corresponding line is '{1}'. Correct the script and ...
A job step received an error in a PowerShell script. Correct the script and reschedule the job. The error information returned ...
A job step received an error while registering SQL Server snap - in {0}. Verify that the SQL Server snap - in was installed ...
A key column is based on the DataColumn {0}].[{1} of type GUID. This is not supported, create a named column where you cast ...
A key for type '{0}' cannot be created because parent relation '{1}' does not allow it to determine the parent type. The ...
A large constant was found in the request, please be aware that these are now types as Large Value Types instead of legacy ...
A large number of tables are selected for copying, and the wizard may not be able to copy all the tables in a session. Select ...