Publisher could not save this file because the network or other device was slow in responding and the Cancel button was clicked. Save the file again and do not click the Cancel button.
Publisher could not create the folder. You may be out of hard disk space. Try freeing up hard disk space, and then using ...
Publisher could not find any matching text. Text in data fields, text with phonetic guides, and horizontal text in vertical ...
Publisher could not launch Pantone's Color Management System. Check setup to make sure that the that the Not Available check ...
Publisher could not save the file. You may be out of hard disk space. Try freeing up disk space, and then using Pack and ...
Publisher could not save this file because the network or other device was slow in responding and the Cancel button was clicked. ...
Publisher could not send your publication due to insufficient space on the hard disk. Create some space on the hard disk ...
Publisher could not start the e-mail program. Check your network connection. Make sure Microsoft Office is installed correctly, ...
Publisher does not support setting bullets or numbering on a paragraph with a drop cap in it. Please remove the drop cap ...
Publisher found one or more additional missing pictures in this folder. Do you want to automatically update the links to ...