You tried to open a Lotus 1-2-3 FMT or FM3 file created by the Impress add-in. (!idspnExcel_NV) uses these files for formatting information, but cannot open them directly. Instead, open the WK1 or WK3 file associated with the FMT or FM3 file you want. The corresponding FMT or FM3 file information will be incorporated when the file is opened in (!idspnExcel_NV).
You specified too many arguments in the Visual Basic procedure, or there isn't enough memory to run the procedure.@Specify ...
You started a loop with a LOOP statement, but you didn't end the loop with an ENDLOOP statement.}Locate the position in the ...
You tried to access a dBASE (.DBF) file, but its associated memo (.DBT) file couldn't be found or was invalid. Make sure ...
You tried to lock table '|' while opening it, but the table cannot be locked because it is currently in use. Wait a moment, ...
You tried to open a Lotus 1-2-3 FMT or FM3 file created by the Impress add-in. (!idspnExcel_NV) uses these files for formatting ...
You typed an invalid name for a sheet or chart. Make sure that: The name that you type does not exceed 31 characters. The ...
You understand that Microsoft may or may not use or post your submission. We may also remove a submission from a web site ...
You used a tab to indent the second line. To create a hanging indent, first select the paragraphs you want to have a hanging ...
You were issued a temporary set of credentials for this user account already. Request another set of temporary credentials ...