Tabs and backspace set left indent Increases left indents when you place the TAB key and decreases left indents when you press the DELETE key.
Table Row Height Changes the height of the selected rows. You need to select only one cell in a row to change the height ...
Tables and Borders (Standard toolbar) Displays the Tables and Borders toolbar, which contains tools for creating, editing, ...
Tables Creates a table when you type a series of hyphens and plus signs (starting with a plus sign to indicate the left border), ...
Tables with some types of formatting are converted to pictures when opened in earlier versions of PowerPoint. For more information ...
Tabs and backspace set left indent Increases left indents when you place the TAB key and decreases left indents when you ...
Tabs and backspace set left indent Increases left indents when you press the TAB key and decreases left indents when you ...
Text Box Draws a text box where you click or drag in the active window. Use a text box to add text - such as captions or ...
Text boxes that wrap around overlapping objects are split into multiple, linked text boxes when opened in Word for Windows ...
Text in this document is set to a language Word cannot identify. To change the language setting for this text, open the Language ...