MSB4141: MSBuildToolsPath is not specified for the ToolsVersion "{0}" defined at "{1}", or the value specified evaluates to the empty string.
MSB4127: The "{0}" task could not be instantiated from the assembly "{1}". Please verify the task assembly has been built ...
MSB4130: The condition "{0}" may have been evaluated incorrectly in an earlier version of MSBuild. Please verify that the ...
MSB4131: The "{0}" parameter is not supported by the "{1}" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a gettable ...
MSB4137: Invalid value specified in the configuration file at "{0}". Property name or tools version name is an empty string. ...
MSB4141: MSBuildToolsPath is not specified for the ToolsVersion "{0}" defined at "{1}", or the value specified evaluates ...
MSB4142: MSBuildToolsPath is not the same as MSBuildBinPath for the ToolsVersion "{0}" defined at "{1}". If both are present ...
MSB4151: An error occurred while building project "{0}", target "{1}". Please see innerException for detailed information. ...
MSB4161: Project "{0}" was loaded and unloaded during the current build. Reloading a project during the build can result ...
MSB4164: The value "{0}" of metadata "{1}" contains an item list expression. Item list expressions are not allowed on default ...