E-mail addresses must be in the form of '[email protected]'. The following e-mail address is not valid or could not be resolved: '|0'. Verify that this is a valid e-mail address.
E The project you have selected was added to Source Code Control in an older version of Access. Some changes made in Access ...
E This operation requires the Visual Basic project file to be checked out first. Would you like to check out the Visual Basic ...
E You don't have a source code control program (such as Microsoft Visual SourceSafe) installed on your machine. The source ...
E-mail address is empty. You should set Exchange e-mail address into your user profile to retrieve calendar data from Exchange ...
E-mail addresses must be in the form of '[email protected]'. The following e-mail address is not valid or could not be ...
E-mail invitations work best using Outlook. If you are not successful using another e-mail client try the following: Select ...
E-mail-only Collaboration Selected.}Collaboration with e-mail is possible, but using Project Server is the preferred method ...
EAC (estimate at completion) contains the expected total cost of a task based on performance up to the status date. EAC = ...
Each backup job is stored in a separate folder in the location you specify, and each object is backed up to an individual ...