Best effort install of Windows performance counters failed. Please see the log file for additional information. To complete this installation step manually, locate the performance counter manifest ( and run "lodctr /"
Begins collection for a specific test. Usage: begintest options Options: /session: required The name of the session to start ...
Below are the list of manual testcases. Follow the instructions below to execute the testcases before submitting the app ...
Best effort install of ETW event sources failed. Please see the log file for additional information. To complete this installation ...
Best effort install of ETW event sources failed. Please see the log file for additional information. To complete this installation ...
Best effort install of Windows performance counters failed. Please see the log file for additional information. To complete ...
Best effort install of Windows performance counters failed. Please see the log file for additional information. To complete ...
Bidirectional relationships are not supported. The "Is Navigable" property of the "First Role" on the following relationship ...
Bind event to a newly created method called '{0}'. Use 'Navigate to Event Handler' to navigate to the newly created method. ...
Bind to the previous data item in the collection. You can use this type of binding inside the ItemTemplate of an ItemsControl ...