The SharePoint site URL usually has the following format:
http://ServerName is the SharePoint Web application
/Sites is a managed path. 'Sites' is the default managed path created by the server running SharePoint, but your deployment might differ.
A site collection is not part of this url but if you choose to create a TFS collection, we will create a site collection by that name under the managed path. For example:
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The SharePoint site at {0} is missing a history list, which is required to create a workflow template. An attempt to create ...
The SharePoint site at {0} is missing a history list. History list is required to create a workflow template in the site. ...
The SharePoint site at {0} is missing a target, task, or history list. Each of these lists is required to associate a workflow ...
The SharePoint site URL is not valid. This URL was provided during the following SharePoint Products upgrade: {0}. The upgrade ...
The SharePoint site URL usually has the following format: http://ServerName/Sites http://ServerName is the SharePoint Web ...
The SharePoint solution import operation completed, but with errors. As a result, the project may not deploy successfully. ...
The SharePoint solution import operation was stopped before completing. As a result, the project may not deploy successfully. ...
The shelveset associated with the gated check-in ticket does not exist or does not match the value provided in the request. ...
The signature and implementation are not compatible because the declaration of the type parameter '{0}' requires a constraint ...