The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_commit function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected return code (%2): File=%3 Line=%4.%0
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager attempted to perform recovery with the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. The XA resource manager ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the 'GetXaSwitch' function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. The call to the 'GetXaSwitch' ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the GetXaSwitch function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_close function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_commit function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_commit function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_commit function with the TMONEPHASE flag set for the XA resource manager '%1'. ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_open function for XA resource manager '%1'. This call failed with an unexpected ...
The MSDTC XA Transaction Manager called the xa_open function in the XA resource manager DLL '%1'. This call failed with a ...