This is the body of the e-mail. E-mails are sent as HTML and can include HTML tags if needed, e.g. br will provide a line break.
This Internet facing endpoint should be removed or NSG rules should be configured for this public endpoint to limit access ...
This is a beta app meant to be used only by a select group of TAP enterprise customers to experiment with the phone sign-in ...
This is a reference attribute that refers to the resource that directly created the resource in the FIM service database. ...
This is not the latest version of the Microsoft Online Services Module. You can use this version; however, it is recommended ...
This is the body of the e-mail. E-mails are sent as HTML and can include HTML tags if needed, e.g. br will provide a line ...
This is the only time it will be displayed. Please store it securely. You will also be asked to re-enter it before your sample ...
This isn't a move you'll want to take lightly if you use your PIN in several places. If you use your PIN to access games, ...
This language and message type already has a message configured. Please choose a different language or message type to continue. ...
This link is no longer valid. The link you received in email is expired, or you may already have used it. To reset your password, ...