|9 can't start the OLE server.@You tried to use a form, report, or datasheet that contains an OLE object, but the OLE server (the application used to create the object) may not be registered properly. Reinstall the OLE server to register it correctly.@@1@@@1
can't set the LimitToList property to No right now.@The first visible column, which is determined by the ColumnWidths property, ...
can't set this property to No right now.@You cannot set the Allow Form View, Allow Datasheet View, Allow PivotTable View, ...
can't sort on the Memo, OLE Object, or Hyperlink '|'.@The ORDER BY clause of an SQL statement can't include any Memo, OLE ...
can't start the Chart Wizard.@The wizard may not be installed, or this wizard has been disabled.@To install the Chart Wizard, ...
can't start the OLE server.@You tried to use a form, report, or datasheet that contains an OLE object, but the OLE server ...
can't start the wizard, builder, or add-in.@* The library database containing the wizard, builder, or add-in may not be installed. ...
can't synchronize this member of the replica set because one or more objects are open.@Because synchronizing may involve ...
can't synchronize with Synchronizer '|1.'@A possible reason for the failure to synchronize with '|1' is that both the Synchronizer ...
can't transfer the user-defined function '|'. User-defined functions can only be transferred between Microsoft SQL Servers ...