Examples: To reset a user's password: dsmod user "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com" -pwd A1b2C3d4 -mustchpwd yes ...

To reset a user's password:

    dsmod user "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com"
    -pwd A1b2C3d4 -mustchpwd yes

To reset multiple user passwords to a common password
and force them to change their passwords the next time they logon:

    dsmod user "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com"
    "CN=Jane Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com" -pwd A1b2C3d4 -mustchpwd yes

To disable multiple user accounts at the same time:

    dsmod user "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com"
    "CN=Jane Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com" -disabled yes

To modify the profile path of multiple users to a common path using the
$username$ token:

dsmod user "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com"
"CN=Jane Doe,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com" -profile \users\$username$\profile