Either share the object with another user role, or contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to request access for the parent user role and then try the operation again.
Either ensure that the maximum memory value is greater than the startup memory value, or do not use dynamic memory allocation. ...
Either improve the host ratings for the other hosts within the same cluster, and then try the operation again, or do not ...
Either mark the share as not continuously available or choose a file server that supports continuously available file shares, ...
Either reduce the number of monitors and resolution or select a host that supports the number of monitors and resolution ...
Either share the object with another user role, or contact your Virtual Machine Manager administrator to request access for ...
Either share the object with the user role that has access to the cloud of this object, or contact your Virtual Machine Manager ...
Either specify a compatible hard disk file or convert the hard disk file (%FileName;) by using the VMware vCenter Server. ...
Either specify a new database, an empty database, or an existing VMM 2008 R2 database. If you have an existing VMM 2008 database, ...
Either specify the database name that is provided with the OEM Setup, or create a new database by typing a new database name, ...