The form contains changes that must be processed before it can download file. Update the form, and then try downloading again.
The form cannot be submitted to the Web server either because your computer is offline or because the host server is currently ...
The form cannot be updated because it is in use by another application. Wait for the other application to finish using the ...
The form contains changes that must be processed before it can be printed. Click OK to update the form, and then try printing ...
The form contains changes that must be processed before it can be signed. Click OK to update the form, and then try signing ...
The form contains changes that must be processed before it can download file. Update the form, and then try downloading again. ...
The form could not be opened. The system administrator has applied a policy setting to this machine which prevents opening ...
The form data cannot be signed because the signature contains nested structures that InfoPath Forms Services does not support. ...
The form definition (.xsf) file contains a button name that occurs more than once in a single view. Button name: %1!s! View: ...
The form definition (.xsf) file contains the following error: Illegal value %1!s! for match attribute of %2!s! declaration ...