%11The following utility tools were not available to be run: %1 Their output is not provided so you might miss some configuration information.%12 Possible cause: %1 is/are missing from their predefined location. Solution: Please copy the unavailable tools to their designated folder.%0
The following file(s) contain invalid or inconsistent data. Possible causes could be: Malformed xml data. Invalid schema. ...
The following rules contain configuration items and configuration baselines to define how compliance will be assessed on ...
The following software updates are available for installation. Mandatory software updates will automatically install on the ...
The following software updates have been targeted for installation. However, a system restart is currently in progress and ...
The following utility tools were not available to be run: %1 Their output is not provided so you might miss some configuration ...
The format for this field is: \ \ \ . The server name may be up to 15 chars and may not include any of the following chars: ...
The FQDN for the public and private DNS servers is the same. It is recommended that you do not use the same FQDN internally ...
The Internet Information Server (IIS) default website is not running on the destination computer. The default website must ...
The item you have selected is not available. You do not have rights to the object, the ConfigMgr database or reporting point ...