This row has been partially recovered from a damaged replica, but data may be missing from Memo or OLE Object |1. You may attempt to reinsert the row, or ignore it.
This row contains data in a foreign key that requires a primary key value that has been deleted. To fix this conflict, you ...
This row contains data related to a conflict that has already been resolved through other means. You may reinsert the row ...
This row contains data that violates a table or |1 level validation rule that was added at the design master, after the time ...
This row has been deleted. If you choose to ignore the conflict, Microsoft SQL Server will try to reinsert the deleted row, ...
This row has been partially recovered from a damaged replica, but data may be missing from Memo or OLE Object |1. You may ...
This row has the same key value as another record, in a |1 where only unique values are permitted. You may either change ...
This stage of the conversion process is finished. To complete the conversion process, synchronize this replica to the (converted) ...
This table contains one or more Lookup fields. Display values for Lookup fields cannot be changed by using the Replace operation.@1@1@865@1 ...
This table no longer exists on the server. Click Requery Object List on the File menu to obtain the current list of server ...