You can't change the number on the existing credit card. You should add new card, and remove this card if you wish after attaching new card to the related subscriptions.
You can't add {0} because the DNS for {1} is managed by %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%. If you want to add {0}, you have to make ...
You can't assign licenses that contain these conflicting services: {0}. Review the services included with each license, and ...
You can't assign multiple licenses that contain the same service. Review the services included with each license, and try ...
You can't assign multiple licenses that contain the same service: {0}. Review the services included with each license, and ...
You can't change the number on the existing credit card. You should add new card, and remove this card if you wish after ...
You can't change this information after you submit the request. However, you can add notes to the request at any time. Submitting ...
You can't change this information after you submit the request. Submitting this request authorizes Microsoft to use your ...
You can't change this setting because you don't have the right permissions. To have this setting changed, contact your global ...
You can't create a campaign until you fill out your business info. Please enter the following information in order to create ...