The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read request to this share is received and the time at which the SMB File Server sends the corresponding response.
The average disk queue length is {queuelength}. The disk may be at its maximum transfer capacity due to throughput and disk ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read or write request to this session is received and ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read or write request to this share is received and ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read request in this session is received and the time ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a read request to this share is received and the time ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a write request in this session is received and the time ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which a write request to this share is received and the time ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which the SMB File Server receives a request for this share ...
The average number of seconds that elapse between the time at which the SMB File Server receives a request in this session ...