The message hasn't been delivered because it's stuck in a forwarding loop. The intended recipient of the message can check for forwarding settings using the following steps:
1.Sign in to Outlook on the web.
2.Select Settings > Your app settings > Mail > Accounts > Forwarding.
If forwarding is on, the forwarding email address will be displayed.
3.To turn off forwarding, select Stop forwarding, and then save any changes.
If forwarding is already turned off, there is probably an Inbox rule forwarding email to the different email address.
The message could not be delivered to the recipient because validation of your organization's mail server failed. Please ...
The message could not be delivered to the recipient because we couldn't connect to the recipient server or the recipient ...
The message ended up in the Junk Email folder. Ask the recipient to search for the message in the Junk Email folder. If you ...
The message hasn't been delivered because it's stuck in a forwarding loop. Please review these details: Recipient: {Recipient} ...
The message hasn't been delivered because it's stuck in a forwarding loop. The intended recipient of the message can check ...
The message hasn't been delivered because it's stuck in a loop. This can happen if the recipient accidently uses a forwarding ...
The message was deleted because the following virus was detected in the specified file: Malware: {MalwareSignature} File: ...
The message was delivered to the Inbox folder. Delivered time: {DeliveryTime} If the recipient can't find the message in ...
The message was delivered to the Inbox folder. If the message can't be found in the Inbox folder, the message may have been ...