You are deleting the role assignment for {0}. The role assignment of the parent {1} will be applied to this item. Do you want to continue?
You are attempting to add a column to the index key that is already an included column. A column cannot participate in an ...
You are attempting to include a column that already participates in the index key. A column cannot participate in an index ...
You are connecting to SQL Server 2000. Your previous connection was to SQL Server 2005. Some of your current settings may ...
You are connecting to SQL Server 2005. Your previous connection was to SQL Server 2000. Some of your current settings may ...
You are deleting the role assignment for {0}. The role assignment of the parent {1} will be applied to this item. Do you ...
You are in Show Difference mode. The only action available in this mode is synchronization with database. {0} action is not ...
You are not logged on as the database owner or system administrator. You might not be able to save changes to tables that ...
You are not the owner specified for the object '%1!s!' in this statement (CREATE, ALTER, TRUNCATE, UPDATE STATISTICS or BULK ...
You are tracing an instance of SQL Server earlier than SQL Server 2000. In order for trace definition changes to take effect ...