The value specified for the %1!s! parameter of sp_mergearticlecolumn must be '%2!s!'. A value of 'true' is allowed only when this procedure is called by another replication procedure. Either set the value of the @schema_replication parameter to 'false' or do not specify a value.
The value of the state threshold is not valid. The value must be between 0.0 and 1.0. If you do not want to specify a state ...
The value of the {2} property for the {0} {1}' is "{3}", which is not a valid size. Valid sizes may not exceed 455 inches. ...
The value provided for the {0} field is not valid for its type. It cannot be converted from a string value to the type that ...
The value specified for @rowcount_only for the article '%1!s!' is not 1. For an article in a publication from a non-SQL Server ...
The value specified for the %1!s! parameter of sp_mergearticlecolumn must be '%2!s!'. A value of 'true' is allowed only when ...
The value specified for the @login parameter is not valid. User '%1!s!' is not a user in database '%2!s!'. Add the user account ...
The value specified for the @pubid parameter of procedure '%1!s!' is not valid or is NULL. Verify that the Merge Agent is ...
The value specified for the @type parameter of sp_addsubscriber or the @subscriber_type parameter of sp_addsubscription is ...
The value specified for the code page parameter of the cast to data type DT_STR or DT_TEXT is not valid. The specified code ...