Windows has detected that this profile was created by a more recent version of Windows. You will not be able to import this profile on this version of Windows.
Windows has detected that Automatic Offline Caching is enabled on the Roaming Profile share - to avoid potential profile ...
Windows has detected that the system firmware (BIOS) was updated previous firmware date = %2, current firmware date %3]. ...
Windows has detected that this policy was created by a more recent version of Windows than currently supported. You will ...
Windows has detected that this policy was created by a more recent version of Windows. You will not be able to edit this ...
Windows has detected that this profile was created by a more recent version of Windows. You will not be able to import this ...
Windows has detected that you don't have antispyware installed. To help protect your PC, find and install an antispyware ...
Windows has detected that your system has %1!d! ports. Rather than checking each port, Windows will check only one port for ...
Windows has detected that your system has %1!d! ports. You must restrict detection to a single port or specify modems in ...
Windows has detected your BitLocker protected drive needs to be updated. This will not affect your data. It is strongly recommended ...