Description: Used to delete auto-add devices from the WDS Server. Syntax: WDSUTIL [Options] /Delete-AutoAddDevices [/Server:] /DeviceType:{PendingDevices | RejectedDevices | ApprovedDevices} [/Server: ] The name of the WDS Server. This can be either the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If not specified, the local server will be used. /DeviceType:{PendingDevices | Specifies the type of devices to purge from RejectedDevices | the auto-add device database (binlsvcdb.mdb). ApprovedDevices} PendingDevices returns all devices in the database with a status of ‘pending'. RejectedDevices returns all devices in the database with a status of ‘rejected'. ApprovedDevices returns all devices with a status of ‘approved'. EXAMPLES: --------- WDSUTIL /Delete-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:RejectedDevices WDSUTIL /Verbose /Delete-AutoAddDevices /Server:MyWDSServer /DeviceType:ApprovedDevices
Description: Used to create a WinPE boot image to run on machines that are not natively capable of PXE boot. This WinPE image ...
Description: Used to create and configure a new multicast transmission for a WDS image. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /New-MulticastTransmission ...
Description: Used to create and configure a new namespace for a WDS Transport Server. The Content Provider should have been ...
Description: Used to create new capture/discover images. Also used to create multicast transmissions / namespaces Syntax: ...
Description: Used to delete auto-add devices from the WDS Server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Delete-AutoAddDevices /Server: ...
Description: Used to delete auto-add devices. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Delete- Where object is one of the following: AutoAddDevices ...
Description: Used to disable a WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL /Disable- Where object is one of the following: Server TransportServer ...
Description: Used to disable all WDS services. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Disable-Server /Server: /Server: The name of the ...
Description: Used to disable all WDS Transport services. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Disable-TransportServer /Server: /Server: ...