The default, zero-initializing constructor of a struct type may only be used if all the fields of the struct type admit default initialization
The default value of the common path if it is not already defined in the hosting process. Normally the hosting process will ...
The default value specified for parameter '%1!ls!' will have no effect because it applies to a member that is used in contexts ...
The default Web access mode for this project is set to file share, but the project folder at '%1' cannot be opened with the ...
The default Web access mode for this project is set to FrontPage, but the project folder at '%1' cannot be opened with FrontPage. ...
The default, zero-initializing constructor of a struct type may only be used if all the fields of the struct type admit default ...
The demand or link demand on {0} will not prevent the struct from being instantiated but it will only be initialized with ...
The dependency or hierarchy link types in this Project file is no longer available on the server. You can either restore ...
The deployment item you have selected, '{0}', is not in the current solution folder. If these test settings are used on a ...
The deployment manifest could not be downloaded because a connection to the network could not be established. Ensure that ...