The Transportable property indicates whether the shadow copy can be surfaced on another machine. If this property is FALSE and the volumes are surfaced locally, it may not be possible to surface them later on a different machine.
The transform cannot take the requested action until all of the input data it currently holds is processed or flushed.%0 ...
The transform plug-in is not valid. It may be damaged or you may not have the required permissions to access the plug-in.%0 ...
The Transmitting Subscriber Identification (TSID) can only contain English letters, numeric symbols, and punctuation marks. ...
The Transmitting Subscriber Identification (TSID) identifies you as a fax sender, and is transmitted by a device when you ...
The Transportable property indicates whether the shadow copy can be surfaced on another machine. If this property is FALSE ...
The TreatAsClsid property contains a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), of a COM component that can emulate instances of ...
The trial period for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) trial version %1 %2 has expired. The AD DS service is shutting ...
The trial period for Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) trial version %1 %2 has expired. The AD LDS ...
The troubleshooter couldn't detect any problems on this computer. Try running the HomeGroup troubleshooter on the other homegroup ...