Unposted inventory journal lines exist for item '%1'. The standard cost conversion will not update not the applied cost on the journal lines.
United States of America|Etats-Unis|Estados Unidos de América|Es Us|Stati Uniti d'America|EUA|EEUU|USA|US|America|United ...
Units are not consistent for %1 in %2. The sales, purchase, inventory, and production units of measure must be the same. ...
Units in the %1 (%2) table cannot be upgraded because merging of units causes a unique index violation. Reconsider units ...
Unlinking will result in the deletion of the synced Microsoft Project file. This will cause you to lose all the information ...
Unposted inventory journal lines exist for item '%1'. The standard cost conversion will not update not the applied cost on ...
Unposted invoice %1 exists for purchase order %2. Changes to the purchase order charge transaction will have no effect on ...
Unposted invoice %1 exists for this purchase order. Allocation to purchase order line for item %2 will not be copied to the ...
Unposted preliminary budgets exist for one or more of the accounts. These unposted preliminary budget transactions will not ...
Unpublish an article. When you unpublish the article, you can edit or add to it, and then republish it. To delete a published ...