Please wait while the most recent updates information is downloaded. This might take several minutes or longer, depending on your connection speed.
One or more of the packages that are currently selected can require user input during installation. These type of packages ...
One or more of the Updates that are currently selected can require user input during installation. These type of Updates ...
Out of disk space - Volume: '[2]'; required space: 3 KB; available space: 4 KB. If rollback is disabled, enough space is ...
Please wait while the following features are configured. This may take some time depending on the speed of your computer ...
Please wait while the most recent updates information is downloaded. This might take several minutes or longer, depending ...
Please wait while we import the Updates. This may take several minutes depending upon the size and number of the Updates. ...
Repair SC components that are already installed. Use this option to fix missing or corrupt files, shortcuts, and registry ...
Setting 'Publish to Add/Remove Programs' along with any approval deadline is not permitted. Do you want to clear all approval ...
Setup cannot continue because either: 1. SSL is enabled on the default web site with a self-signed certificate. To continue ...