You have exceeded the number of attempts allowed to configure Hybrid in a given time window. Please retry Exchange Hybrid configuration in 6 hours.
You have domains that are expired or will expire soon, click on View and select the appropriate filter for expired domains ...
You have domains that are expired or will expire soon, navigate to the Domains and select the appropriate filter for expired ...
You have entered a product key for a different plan than the one you are subscribed to. Redeem this key to switch from one ...
You have entered a shared mailbox address whose domain({0}) is not present in the list of accepted domains for your organization. ...
You have exceeded the number of attempts allowed to configure Hybrid in a given time window. Please retry Exchange Hybrid ...
You have exceeded your current object sync quota. Directory Synchronization will not synchronize more than 300,000 objects ...
You have failed to access the aad CDN url ( Check to make sure that TCP Port 443 is ...
You have failed to access the Discovery Service url ( Check to make ...
You have failed to access the Discovery Service url ( Check to make ...