This computer could not authenticate with %2, a Windows domain controller for domain %1, and therefore this computer might deny logon requests. This inability to authenticate might be caused by another computer on the same network using the same name or the password for this computer account is not recognized. If this message appears again, contact your system administrator.
This computer cannot play audio because the Windows Audio service is not enabled. Enable this service using the Service Management ...
This computer cannot play audio because the Windows Audio Service is not enabled. Would you like to enable the Windows Audio ...
This computer cannot register A type DNS records corresponding to its computer DNS name. This is because either the responsible ...
This computer contains information that will allow you to uninstall this version of Windows and return to a previous version. ...
This computer could not authenticate with %2, a Windows domain controller for domain %1, and therefore this computer might ...
This computer does not allow Windows to automatically control the brightness of the integrated display. Installing the latest ...
This computer does not have the necessary domain permissions to support the security functions relating to the created subscription ...
This computer does not have the rights required to perform the specified operation. Update the rights on this computer or ...
This computer does not meet the hardware requirements to support device encryption with the installed 3rd party provider. ...