You are about to block {0} computer(s) from communicating with this site. Click OK to block these computers, otherwise click Cancel.
With no local distribution point the computer will: Download the update from remote distribution point and then run the install ...
Would you like to add addresses for any of the following child sites: {0}? Site server details are required to recover objects ...
You are about to allow {0} computer(s) to communicate with this site. Click OK to unblock these computers, otherwise click ...
You are about to approve {0} computer(s) to join this site. Click OK to approve these computers, otherwise click Cancel. ...
You are about to block {0} computer(s) from communicating with this site. Click OK to block these computers, otherwise click ...
You are about to upgrade the Operating System on this computer. Please close all open programs and save all open files before ...
You are already connected to the specified site server. If you choose to continue, the current connection will be deleted ...
You are attempting to delete resource objects from the ConfigMgr Administrator console. This will also delete them from the ...
You are invited to join the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP). ...