Expecting %1!s! bytes of data, but only %2!s! were found in the transaction log. For more information, contact Customer Support Services.
Existing partition-aligned structures must retain their partitioning. Any recommended new structures will align with the ...
Existing SQL Agent user proxy accounts will be upgraded to a single new proxy called UpgradedProxyAccount. By default, all ...
EXISTS=3=Subselect=The Exists function returns true if the SELECT statement specified as its argument returns one or more ...
Expand event is evaluated to an invalid event after AlterEventLifeTime. The new life time ({0}) of the event is less than ...
Expecting %1!s! bytes of data, but only %2!s! were found in the transaction log. For more information, contact Customer Support ...
Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table '%1!s!' either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a ...
Exposes Extended Protection for Authentication settings for the SQL Server Database Engine. These settings can be used to ...
Exposes properties of a data-tier application object that has been deployed to a managed instance of SQL Server in the SQL ...
Exposes properties of a Windows storage volume object on a computer that hosts a managed instance of SQL Server in the SQL ...