Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the logfile to a backup file. The method returns an integer value that can be interpretted as follows: 0 - Successful completion. 8 - The user does not have adequate privileges. 21 - Invalid parameter. Other - For integer values other than those listed above, refer to Win32 error code documentation.
Cleaning takes one or two minutes to complete. It is finished when the power light on the printer's control panel stops flashing. ...
Clear events from an event log and, optionally, back up cleared events. Usage: wevtutil { cl | clear-log } LOGNAME /OPTION:VALUE ...
Clearing the policy returns all Windows Firewall with Advanced Security settings to not configured and deletes all connection ...
Clearing this check box allows you to select display modes that this monitor cannot display correctly. This may lead to an ...
Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the logfile to a backup file. The method returns ...
Click "Begin upgrade process" to go to one of our participating merchant's websites to purchase the upgrade. After purchasing ...
Click a picture or video to make it your desktop background. To use a picture or video that's not listed, browse to the picture ...
Click a picture to make it your desktop background. To use a picture that's not listed, browse to the picture and double ...
Click Add to choose the application file(s) to install. All component files for a given application must be in the same directory ...