To enable e-mail notification for your users, specify an SMTP server name, and then click Save. If you do not enter a server name, users will not receive e-mail notifications about tasks and status report updates.
To edit this page, click on the Edit Page icon at the top of the page. To see all available commands, click on the Page tab. ...
To edit this workbook you first need to save it in a supported format. To do this, open the workbook for viewing and select ...
To edit your publication and leave the multiple data source connections intact when re-opening in a later version, select ...
To eliminate this issue, archive or delete messages until the size of the mailbox is less than the limitation imposed by ...
To enable e-mail notification for your users, specify an SMTP server name, and then click Save. If you do not enter a server ...
To enable Enterprise features for this Sharepoint installation, select the corresponding radio button. You need to do this ...
To enable import or export of Microsoft SharePoint workflow diagrams, you must download and install the Microsoft .Net Framework ...
To enable Instant Search and Audio Search in (!idspnOneNote), you must install the Windows Desktop Search system component. ...
To enable it, convert this notebook to 2010 format by right-clicking it and clicking Properties. Press F1 for more help. ...