Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the file '%1' already exists. Since the backup set is being restored to an alternate location (and not targetting any storage groups), the files being restored must not already exist.
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the base name ('%1') of the logfiles in the backup set being restored ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the database '%1' in '%2' of database '%3' is targeted for restore, ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the database '%1' in '%2' of database '%3' is targeted for restore, ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the file '%1' already exists. Since the backup set is being restored ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the file '%1' already exists. Since the backup set is being restored ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the file '%1' in '%2' specified for re-targetting on restore could ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the file '%1' in '%2' specified for re-targetting on restore could ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the file '%1' in '%2' was incorrectly re-targeted multiple times for ...
Exchange VSS Writer failed restoring a backup because the file '%1' in '%2' was incorrectly re-targeted multiple times for ...