The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing. This setting requires that the partition be MOLAP, but the partition is not set to MOLAP.
The '%{parentpropertyid/}' parent attribute ID, of the '%{level/}' level either does not exist in the dimension or is not ...
The '%{partition/}' MOLAP partition proactive caching object does not have a finite duration for silence interval, silence ...
The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for force rebuild. This setting requires that the partition have ...
The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing, but not all of the tables required ...
The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for incremental processing. This setting requires that the partition ...
The '%{partition/}' partition has proactive caching enabled for the OnCacheComplete online mode. This setting requires that ...
The '%{partition/}' partition in '%{table/}' table has DataSourceID attribute set, that is valid only for Query partitions. ...
The '%{partition/}' partition in '%{table/}' table has QueryDefinition attribute set, that is not valid for partitions with ...
The '%{partName/}' partition has DirectQueryUsage property set to DirectQueryOnly and cannot participate in partition merging ...