The function or member '{0}' is used in a way that requires further type annotations at its definition to ensure consistency of inferred types. The inferred signature is '{1}'.
The function being assigned or passed should have a _Function_class_ annotation for at least one of the class(es) in: '%1$ls': ...
The function class(es) '%1$ls' on this function do not match the function class(es) '%2$ls' on the typedef used to define ...
The function is not permitted to be called at a high IRQ level. Prior function calls are inconsistent with this constraint ...
The function is not permitted to be called at a low IRQ level. Prior function calls are inconsistent with this constraint ...
The function or member '{0}' is used in a way that requires further type annotations at its definition to ensure consistency ...
The function pointer being assigned to is annotated with the function class '%1$ls', which is not contained in the function ...
The generated name of the .CPP file where you want to insert the implementation. Edit the name if you like, or select browse ...
The generated name of the .CPP file where you want to insert the implementation. Edit the name if you like, or select browse ...
The generated name of the cpp file for the wrapper class. Edit the name if you like, or select browse to specify a different ...