MS DTC failed to save the system restore information. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, if the service fails to start, contact product support. Error Specifics: %1%0
MS DTC cannot start on this cluster node because the MS DTC resource is currently owned by another node in the cluster. Error ...
MS DTC does not currently support either TIP or XA on 64 bit platforms. MS DTC will continue to start but TIP and XA features ...
MS DTC failed to load the system restore information. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, ...
MS DTC failed to process a system restore event. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, ...
MS DTC failed to save the system restore information. As a result, the service is exiting. Please try restarting the service, ...
MS DTC has determined that the cluster service is configured but not running when MS DTC was started. MS DTC will continue ...
MS DTC has processed a system restore event. As a result the transaction log has been reset and the identity of the transaction ...
MS DTC is unable to communicate with MS DTC on a remote system. MS DTC on the primary system established an RPC binding with ...
MS DTC is unable to communicate with MS DTC on a remote system. No common RPC protocol is supported between the two systems. ...