MsgView table refresh DVU records scanned is the average number of records scanned in the Deferred View Updates table, averaged over the last 1024 non-null MsgView table refreshes.
MsgView table Create/sec is the rate at which MsgView tables are being created in the Information Store. A MsgView table ...
MsgView table Delete/sec is the rate at which MsgView tables are being deleted in the Information Store. A MsgView table ...
MsgView table Null Refresh/sec is the rate at which MsgView tables are being refreshed that involve zero real updates to ...
MsgView table refresh DVU records scanned is the average number of records scanned in the Deferred View Updates table, averaged ...
MsgView table refresh DVU records scanned is the average number of records scanned in the Deferred View Updates table, averaged ...
MsgView table refresh updates applied is the average number of updates applied to a MsgView table per refresh, averaged over ...
MsgView table refresh updates applied is the average number of updates applied to a MsgView table per refresh, averaged over ...
MsgView table Refresh/sec is the rate at which MsgView tables are being refreshed that involve at least 1 real update to ...
MSSearch service signaled to pause indexing for database %1. FTERequestStatus = %2, FTERequestStatusChangeReason = %3. Indexing ...