The output columns' metadata does not match the associated input columns' metadata. The output columns' metadata will be updated.
The order of the data in the data file does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the BULK rowset '%1!s!'. The order ...
The order of the data in the stream does not conform to the ORDER hint specified for the CLR TVF '%1!s!'. The order of the ...
The output column "%1!s!" (%2!d!) on output "%3!s!" (%4!d!) and component "%5!s!" (%6!d!) is not subsequently used in the ...
The output column with lineage ID "%1!d!" is incorrectly mapped to an input column. The CopyColumnId property of the output ...
The output columns' metadata does not match the associated input columns' metadata. The output columns' metadata will be ...
The output field expression for field '{0}' has an invalid type for argument number {1} - expected type '{3}', actual type ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has code page %2!d! and the ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has maximum length %2!d! and ...
The output file cannot be appended. Column "%1!s!" matches by name, but the column in the file has precision %2!d! and the ...