You cannot assign derogatory tax book %1 to %2. The book '%1' service life cannot be greater than the book '%2' service life for asset group %3.
You cannot assign a reservation hierarchy to the item because there are inventory transactions. You can assign a reservation ...
You cannot assign a sales quote to the %2 record of the %1 while the %2 record of the %1 has no contact company assigned. ...
You cannot assign depreciation convention %1 to this book as the %2 derogatory tax model does not allow this depreciation ...
You cannot assign depreciation convention %1 to this value model as the %2 derogatory tax model does not allow this depreciation ...
You cannot assign derogatory tax book %1 to %2. The book '%1' service life cannot be greater than the book '%2' service life ...
You cannot assign derogatory tax book %1 to %2. The depreciation convention specified for the books for asset group %3 does ...
You cannot assign derogatory tax value model %1 to %2. The depreciation convention specified for the value models for asset ...
You cannot assign derogatory tax value model %1 to %2. The value model '%1' service life cannot be greater than the value ...
You cannot assign item charges to the %1 because it has been invoiced. Instead you can get the posted document line and then ...