Path for Drop Location of the build to deploy. If Build Definition in the Compilation section is specificed, the Drop Location of the build workflow will be used.
passes {1} as the 'IFormatProvider' parameter to {2}. This property returns a culture that is inappropriate for formatting ...
passes {1} as the 'IFormatProvider' parameter to {2}. This property returns a culture that is inappropriate for formatting ...
Passing '%1!ls!' as ref or out or taking its address may cause a runtime exception because it is a field of a marshal-by-reference ...
Path Ellipsis : Specifies that the end of the string is truncated and ellipses are added in the middle if it doesn't fit ...
Path for Drop Location of the build to deploy. If Build Definition in the Compilation section is specificed, the Drop Location ...
Path to executable file to launch. For remote debugging, this is the path to execute on the remote computer (ex: 'c:\my program\my ...
Path to the .NET Framework folder that contains platform assemblies, such as mscorlib.dll and System.dll. The default is ...
Path to the XSL style sheet that will be applied to the Code Analysis console output. The default is an empty string ('), ...
Path to the XSL style sheet to reference in the Code Analysis output report. This report is specified in $(CodeAnalysisLogFile). ...