/Transport Configures settings used by transport server (when you install only the Transport Server role service). /ObtainIpv4From:{Dhcp ...

[/Transport]                            Configures settings used by transport
                                        server (when you install only the
                                        Transport Server role service).
 [/ObtainIpv4From:{Dhcp | Range}]       Specifies the source of IPv4 addresses.
   [/Start:]        Specifies the start of the IP address
                                        range. This is required if
                                        /ObtainIpv4 is set to Range.
   [/End:]            Specifies the end of the IP address
                                        range. This is required if
                                        /ObtainIpv4From is set to Range.
 [/ObtainIpv6From:Range]                Specifies the source of IPv6
                                        addresses. The only supported
                                        value is Range.
   [/Start:]        Specifies the start of the IP address
                                        range. This is required when
                                        /ObtainIpv6From is set to Range).
   [/End:]            Specifies the end of the IP address
                                        range. This is required when
                                        /ObtainIpv6From is set to Range).
 [/StartPort:]              Specifies the start of the port range.
   [/EndPort:]                Specifies the end of the port range.
 [/Profile:                             Specifies the network profile to use.
   {10Mbps | 100Mbps | 1Gbps | Custom}]
                                        Note: This option is only available
                                        for servers running Windows Server
                                        2008 or Windows Server 2003.
 [/MulticastSessionPolicy]              Configures transfer settings for
                                        multicast transmissions.
   [/Policy:{None | AutoDisconnect      Determines how to handle slow clients.
             | Multistream}]            None means to keep all clients
                                        in one session at the same speed.
                                        AutoDisconnect means that any clients
                                        that drop below the specified
                                        /Threshold will be disconnected.
                                        Multistream means clients will be
                                        separated into multiple sessions as
                                        specified by /StreamCount.
   [/Threshold:]     For /Policy:AutoDisconnect, this option
                                        sets the minimum transfer rate in
                                        KBps.Clients that drop below this
                                        rate will be disconnected from
                                        multicast transmissions.
   [/StreamCount:{2 | 3}]               For /Policy:Multistream, this option
                                        determines the number of sessions.
                                        2 means two sessions (fast and slow)
                                        3 means three sessions (slow,
                                        medium, fast).
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