The %102.154 server does not contain Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment license information. This information is required before any access can be made to this server. To upload a license file to the server, you must be a member of the db_owner database role in the master database. Choose the OK button to select a license file to upload, or choose the Cancel button to exit.
The %1.1 table is a SQL Server temporary table. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment does not support SQL Server ...
The %1.1 table name conflicts with an existing SQL Server object %1.157. You must choose another table name or set the LinkedObject ...
The %1.1 table references the SQL Server object %1.157, which is a system table or a view. You cannot change the LinkedObject ...
The %1.1 table references the SQL Server object %1.157. You cannot link to the object when SumIndexFields have been defined. ...
The %102.154 server does not contain Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment license information. This information ...
The %102.154 server is not running a supported version of SQL Server. Before this server can be used by the Microsoft Dynamics ...
The %102.155 database on the %102.154 server cannot be opened by this version of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment. ...
The %102.155 database on the %102.154 server cannot be opened by this version of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment. ...
The %102.155 database on the %102.154 server does not contain Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment system objects ...