Restrict who can open or edit this document.You can prevent other authors from reading, editing, copying, or printing the document.
Resize the picture so that the entire picture area is filled, while maintaining the original aspect ratio.Any area of the ...
Resize the picture so that the entire picture displays inside the picture area, while maintaining the original aspect ratio. ...
Restrict access to the workbook by preventing new sheets from being created or by granting access only to specific people. ...
Restrict permission to this item.For example, you may be able to restrict people who receive this message from forwarding ...
Restrict who can open or edit this document.You can prevent other authors from reading, editing, copying, or printing the ...
Returns the depreciation of an asset for a specified period using the double-declining balance method or some other method ...
Reverse OrderMakes selected text appear from the bottom up during a slide show. For example, if you apply the effect to a ...
Reverse the sort order of the current view.For example, reverse the sort order of the message list from newest to oldest. ...
Revert the current table back to the default table.All columns and formatting are removed if they are not in the global version, ...