Service authorization succeeded. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: %6
Service '{0}' has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints. This might be because no configuration file was found ...
Service '{0}' implements multiple ServiceContract types, and no endpoints are defined in the configuration file. WebServiceHost ...
Service authorization failed. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
Service authorization failed. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
Service authorization succeeded. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
Service authorization succeeded. Service: %1 Action: %2 ClientIdentity: %3 AuthorizationContext: %4 ActivityId: %5 ServiceAuthorizationManager: ...
Service behavior {0} requires that the binding associated with endpoint {1} listening on {2} supports the context protocol, ...
Service implementation object invoked with wrong number of input parameters, operation expects {0} parameters but was called ...
Service instance with the identifier '{1}' is currently in 'Suspended' state. Attempt to perform control operation '{0}' ...