The platform firmware has corrupted memory across the previous system power transition. Please check for updated firmware for your system.
The PIN isn't correct. Be careful because your SIM will be blocked if the incorrect PIN is entered one more time. Tries left: ...
The PixelsPerXLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the X axis (horizontal direction) ...
The PixelsPerYLogicalInch property indicates the number of pixels per logical inch along the Y axis (vertical direction) ...
The Platform Crypto Device has ignored the authorization for the provider object, to mitigate against a dictionary attack. ...
The platform firmware has corrupted memory across the previous system power transition. Please check for updated firmware ...
The platform implements processor performance and throttle state control. Minimum performance frequency percentage: %3 Minimum ...
The Player uses Internet security zone settings to display Web content, such as that provided in the Guide and online stores. ...
The Player uses the internet platform to communicate connection and logging information to servers when streaming content ...
The playlist cannot be opened because it is stored in a shared folder on another computer. If possible, move the playlist ...