An error caused a change in the current set of Active Directory server settings. Restart the Exchange Management Console.
An authentication credential initialization error %1 occurred with Send connector %2. The authentication mechanism used was ...
An empty search will return all items in the source mailbox. If you don't want to copy all items from the source mailbox, ...
An error (%1) occurred attempting to retrieve usage information (%2) of a database engine resource (%3) for database (%4). ...
An error (%1) occurred attempting to retrieve usage information (%2) of a database engine resource (%3) for database (%4). ...
An error caused a change in the current set of Active Directory server settings. Restart the Exchange Management Console. ...
An error caused by reading the SystemMessage configuration from the directory indicates that generation of delivery status ...
An error caused by reading the SystemMessage configuration from the directory indicates that generation of delivery status ...
An error occuried while granting full access permission to the Organization Management role group on the mailbox "{0}". Error ...
An error occurred ({0}) while accessing the perfmon counter {1} in category {2} for instance {3} on server {4}. Skipping ...