You have entered a payment method you are not authorized to use for this return. Have an authorized user override it or enter a payment method that has one of the following payment types: %1.
You have draft records that aren't yet synced. To sync your drafts to Dynamics 365, tap Yes. To discard your changes and ...
You have email messages more than 24 hours old that haven't been sent. To send these messages, sign in to Microsoft Dynamics ...
You have entered a batch attribute that has an attribute type that does not correspond with the test type. Batch attributes ...
You have entered a batch attribute that has an attribute type that does not correspond with the test type. Batch attributes ...
You have entered a payment method you are not authorized to use for this return. Have an authorized user override it or enter ...
You have exceeded the number of records that you can follow. Before you can follow more records, you must stop following ...
You have exceeded the storage limit for your offline database. You must reduce the amount of data to be taken offline by ...
You have excluded all lines from the allocation of charges. Select at least one line, clear the check box that enables you ...
You have inserted a %1 on the selected %2.\Would you like to copy this information into the %1 field for the newly created ...